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Sunday, January 5, 2014

Diet-Adoxy cell food

Diet-Adoxy cell food
Benefiting from Adoxy : 
1. Increase oxygen to cells in the body.
2. The minerals and minerals to the body.
3. Eliminate toxins within the body.
4. Promoting nerve conduction in the body.
5. To help stimulate the immune system of the body talk.
6. A fine balancing acidity - alkalinity in the body.
7. Helping to improve the elasticity of the skin lesions disappear quickly repair cell activation of cells.
8. Add energy to the cell.
9. Helps absorption of nutrients up to 95% and send nutrients into cells rapidly.
10. Is beneficial for growth and gives strength to plants and animals.
Adoxy Health Cell food
What is Adoxy?  Adoxy is a 21st Century highly concentrated super- energized liquid, which is rapidly
absorbed by the body in order to start the process of cleaning, building, regenerating and balancing the body as soon as you take it.
Many health experts conclude that the lack of oxygen in human cells and tissue is linked to a vast variety of health of problems and disease, and that supplemental oxygen therapies including Adoxy have remarkable physiological benefits.
A diversity of beneficial oxygen therapies are being utilized today, Oxygen therapy is any process that safely increases the oxygen content in the body and should be administered by a licensed medical professional.
Adoxy, how ever is a safe, self- administered oxygen therapy treatment that provides oxygen at the cellular level. This advanced, water splitting nanon- technology, is the answer to oxygen deficiency  invented by Everett L. Story, Adoxy is a super energized colloidal mineral concentrate. It contains 78 ionic an oxygen and nutrient amino acids, electrolytes and dissolved oxygen- providing and oxygen and nutrient delivery system. All the substances in Adoxy are made from the finest natural substances. Adoxy has no alcohol, no glucose and is yeast free. Cryogenically ( extreme cold) , not chemically.
Adoxy contains no substances that are no the " banned list of substances" regarding International, Professional and amateur athletic associations.
Adoxy"s unique structure oxygenates and feeds the cells- cleaning, and turning up the body's systems throughout the day.

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